Gianna Ehrlich

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
emma Conference Grant 2017

“It was an amazing experience to participate in my first emma conference in the beautiful city of Ghent. The various panels, especially the session on brand management in the media industry, provided valuable insights for my own research interests and the community is very friendly and engaging. I am looking forward to being part of next year’s conference in Warsaw!”

Gianna Ehrlich is a research associate and PhD student at the Department of Communication of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. She works in the Media Business Division. Her research interests include media branding and advertising research with a focus on hybrid advertising techniques. The study she presented at this year’s emma conference in Ghent examined the effects of Native Advertising on brand equity of media and advertising companies, persuasion knowledge of the recipient and media credibility. Gianna Ehrlich is a co-speaker of MedienökonomieJR (Media EconomicsJR), which is a network for early-career researchers with a link to the Media Economics Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). It addresses scholars who are interested in a variety of issues in the field of media economics and media management and search for an informal, uncomplicated and interdisciplinary exchange.