Check out our channels on VIMEO

We were not able to hold our annual conference this year, but our community has nevertheless been very active! 
For sharing with you what our emma community has worked on, researched about and discussed on, we set up two different VIMEO channels. 
In detail, you will find the following videos on our channels: 
1) Our President Ulrike Rohn introduces our channels and online activities here.
2) We set up a public VIMEO channel for all our recordings of our previous (but also future!) emma talks. You find them all here.
3)  We set up a private VIMEO channel with all of the videos that have reached us from the authors that were accepted to the 2020 conference. In these videos, the authors speak about their research. You will find the videos here. Please note: For this channel, you will need to login to Vimeo. Special thanks go to all of the authors who sent us their videos. And we also thank our conference host Joaquin Cestino for putting this channel together!  
4) Joaquin Cestino also recorded a short video in which he introduces the channel. You find it here.