emma for early career reseachers: Conference Grant & PhD Workshop

emma wants to contribute to the development of early career researchers and therefore provides a grant for PhD-students and post-doc researchers. Furthermore, in addition to the conference a PhD workshop will be offered.

Early Career Researcher emma Annual Conference Grant

Presenting research findings and participating in scientific dialogue are essential experiences in the career development of researchers. Furthermore, PhD students and post-docs often provide new and timely research results that are both of major importance in our field and of benefit to our research community. Hence, the European Media Management Association (emma) finds it important to encourage PhD students and post-docs to participate in our annual conferences, share with us their research results and familiarize themselves with our scientific community. 

In this context, our Early Career Researcher emma Annual Conference Grant aims to support young researchers to get exposure and recognition for their work by enabling individuals to help present their work at an annual emma conference. Two grants of up to €1000 are available to allow the recipient to offset registration, travel, visa and accommodation expenses associated with attending the annual emma conference. The deadline for submission is April 29.

For more information click here.

PhD Workshop

In cooperation with the European Media Management Association (emma) and the media economics section of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), the Young Researchers Network MedienökonomieJR is hosting a workshop for PhD candidates. This workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, in the run-up to the emma conference at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich. However, participation in the workshop is also possible without being registered for the conference.

For more information click here.