emma Talk: Quo vadis emma?

On May 22nd at 5 p.m. (CEST) the emma talk Quo vadis Emma? takes place. This upcoming #emmaTalk reflects the organization’s 20-year evolution acknowledging the influx of new colleagues, the exchange with other more or less related academic associations, and the shifting dynamics in media management.

In response to the changing context, the discussion will focus on emma’s positioning along different dimensions such as catering to colleagues at different career levels, addressing diverse academic perspectives, expanding outreach to overlooked regions, and reassessing topical priorities in the ever-transforming media industry.

Four distinguished academic colleagues and emma members, hailing from diverse scholarly backgrounds, contributing distinct regional views and differing ties with the practice of media making and managing are expected to kick off a dynamic discussion, providing insights into the dimensions of emma’s positioning today and in the future. The goal is to foster a comprehensive dialogue that guides emma in aligning its strategic positioning with the evolving needs of media management education and research, ensuring relevance in a landscape characterized by technological advancements, interdisciplinary education, and changing societal dynamics.


  • M. Bjørn von Rimscha, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany
  • Katja Lehtisaari, Tampere University
  • Joaquin Cestino, MMTC, Jönköping International Business School 
  • Ivana Kostovska, imec-SMIT-Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83580412915?pwd=lZMEGDnxXpbCAYAs8MoWTjmPQvp902.1

Meeting-ID: 835 8041 2915

Passcode: 397017